Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Language Blog

Part 1

To start, I need to say that this assignment was difficult, but at same time funny because I really could not get the message that my friend sent me, and funny because they were just making jokes. Sometimes my friends got a little frustrated because we tried to have a normal conversation about how was our day, and I think that we understand each other like 35%  one of my friend tried to say that he have to picked up his bother in 30 minutes, and I thought that he wanted go to take louche at 3. I could not understand my other friend, but It was great because then she told that was telling me about some shoes that she saw in the mall( I don’t want to offense nobody, but all the shoes look the same for me). Also, when they got tired they wanted to say some world or write the latter in the air; consequently I think that they have frustrated impression about the assignment.

For the third question I do not need to imagine that because when I was 10 years old  I did not know anything of English, and I used to come here in summer to visit my mom and brother. My bother knew a little Spanish, but his friend only spoke English. I really never could understand his friends in conversation.  I think that one one had the advantage to communicating complex ideas. Although Spanish and English different structure, every language is equal to express anything. If we put a speaking culture with a symbolic couture, they would be unable understand each other. For the people that have problems to spoke I think that they develop their own way to being understand quick, I personality will not know what to do to have a conversation to them.

Part 2

It was a new experience for my and my friend because we never  realize how important is for us use hands, head and elevating my voice. And the conversation that we had was kind boring. My friends were affected because my words did not have emotion, and boring. If I wanted to talk about a problem or something that make me sad, they will not get the message. Today understand that body language is important to understand the feelings and emotion of other people.

I think that everyone can understand body language because last semester I took a class of ESL(English as Second Leagues) and I met many international student from around the world like Japan, French, china, North Korea etc. and something we did not  understand some words about what were saying, but the body languages help us to understand if we were boring, sad or happy. In my work  is not an environment to read body language because  my managers seem to be very friendly and nice, but I do not want to start a friendship because I learn that is not professional mix emotion with co-worker or supervisors. When one have a problem at work, it would a bad experience. 


  1. Excellent post. I enjoyed how you brought your real-life experiences into the discussion. It gives you greater incite into this issue. Great job.

  2. Pepe,
    I like how you pointed out your experience with the English language. This is actually something I also noted in my blog. Mainly because my mom doesn't speak too much English and as I watch her try to communicate with others I see that she resorts to her facial expressions and hand gestures quite a bit. I also experienced some fun in my experiment trying to figure out conversations with my partner.
